Tuesday, October 30, 2007

MIA Live

Hello, all-
Looks like there's some crazy Wi-Fi here on the Center for the Arts stage, so I thought I'd live blog a bit.
They are setting up a screen behind me, so I'd better be ready to work this whole time-big brother is right here....
The band is setting up- got Kane, Mike, Greg, Kent and company- been a while since I've seen Them Jazzbeards.
They are setting up the projector now, so I'd better start working....


Friday, October 26, 2007

Music Is Art Live @ The Center

I hope you can join me Tuesday, October 30 at 7:00 at the UB Center for the Arts . Located on UB's Amherst campus, The Center has been the home to the Music is Art Television show ; which has a pair of musical guests, and artists working on and a the stage during taping. Tuesday night, I will be one of the featured artists. I picked this particular night because David Kane's Them Jazzbeards will be musical guests, and well, I love that band...

I think this is going to be a lot of fun. I've been an audience member at MIA Live @ the Center- it's a lot of fun- surprisingly cozy for that big building. As for the TV show- I've seen it a number of times, and they do a really nice job putting it all together. Now I'll be bringing in my "digital darkroom" to the taping (read: my computer). So there I'll be, working like a geek, right there on TV! I guess that's better than seeing me in my "wet" darkroom (read: black and white), where I plug my iPod into the stereo and dance, smelling of photo fixer while working (holding on to secure things as I do).

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Monday, October 15, 2007

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!

Just got back from Betty's- hanging the show. HUGE thanks to Kathy Sherin- printmaking artist and Betty's curator. It looks great!
Now, looking forward to seeing all the friends, acquaintances and art lovers tonight. Again, it's Betty's, 370 Virginia in Buffalo, 6-9 pm. The show is up until January 6th.

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Saturday, October 06, 2007

"Ireland and Spirit" at Betty's

Yes! It's finally here! Of course, as all showing artists out there know, this last week is where all of the craziness sets in- framing, hanging, marketing, etc. It is nice to be in the home stretch, though.
Here's the grant (read:short) version of the artist's statement:

Photographing and printing the images from Ireland, I realize that there is a vision of culture. Does the fact that ancient, sometimes mysterious monuments are standing, mostly untouched, help to affect the way of life? Has it given the population inspiration to be a more spiritual/visual people?

As a photographer, I tend to focus on buildings that won’t be around long, such as buildings that will be torn down, or reclaimed by nature. In Ireland, neither of these seems probable. Buildings are not disposable. Being structures of stone, nature is certainly present, but only as an accent. This is something in American culture that really bothers me. Beautiful and useful buildings are often cleared away to make room for big box stores and parking lots. It’s refreshing to shoot without the pressure of the structure not existing the next day.

The opportunity to photograph in that atmosphere leaves room for a lot of thought. It has helped me cement the theory that when a people lives around their own visual history, they choose a way of building things in the present that can be appreciated by future generations.

Hope to see you all at Betty's, October 15, 6-9!
